I'm trying to work on our disaster recovery... basing it on 'Service
now, Data Later' (Q282496)... 

1.  Backup DB on production server.

2.  Restore DB on recovery server without hard recovery (last backup set
- eseutil /cc)

3.  Copy production tlogs that were created since the last backup to the
templog dir on the recovery server (same as the location of the
'restore.env' file)

4.  Run 'eseutil /cc' manually.

The eventlogs indicate that these additional tlogs have been played, but
the data in these logs don't show up in the db.... the above is based on

I'm wondering if this is a problem with the GUID on the restored db
being different than the GUID for the same db on the production
server.... (maybe??)

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions that you could provide that
would point me in the right direction.


jeff e.

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