I am after some clarification of my understanding. Firstly we are talking
Exchange 5.5 SP4. What I want to achieve is to delete items in a public
folder once they have become too old. I assume I can select the public
folder in question and change the value of "Age limit for replicas (days)"
to the period I want to hold on to the message in the PF. The age limit of
the message is determined by the MAPI property "Last Modified Time". What I
want to check is what happens next, the age limit for the message expires so
the message is marked for deletion, am I right in thinking that it is then
tombstoned, so the deletion of the object can be replicated. The tombstone
period by default will hold the message for 180 days before it is finally
removed from the database. Where does deleted item retention start on this
process is it when it was first deleted or at the end of the tombstone

Is my thinking correct or am I way off the mark?



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