> OK so my boss tells me he sent out a mass mailing.  And has now received a dozen 
>replies that have asked him to stop sending as they have received 9 copies already.  
> We are running E2K and O2K.  He has a list, in word, of email addresses.  He copied 
>and pasted them into O2Ks bcc field.  He assures me he didn't accidentally paste nine 
>times.  So I go to the server and look at the smtp queues.  What do I find but 
>hundreds of remote delivery queues waiting to retry.  All started at the same time, 
>yesterday at 5:04PM.  They also all have the same 1385 recipients listed. 
> So there are hundreds of queues trying to send the same message to the same 1385 
>recipients.  So I try to select them all.  Alas shift select won't select more than 
>1!  So I right click the main queues gear icon and select disable all.  Then I right 
>click an actual queue folder... and select enumerate 100 messages.  Then I delete the 
>enumerated message.  Wow what a pain in the butt.  I'll be there for hours doing them 
>1 by 1.  
> At this point I notice that the message count in the queue is still one, but there 
>are no messages to enumerate now!!!  
> So I close system manager and go get a cup of coffee thinking "There has to be a 
>better way."  Yes there is on Exchange Discussions.  So I go back Open Sys Manager 
>and to my surprise the message I deleted...I can enumerate again!!  
> What's happening..ARGH!
> Has anyone seen this?  How can I actually delete them?  Why is the same message to 
>the same recipients in hundreds of different queues?  Is it O2K?
> The max recipients per message is set to 64000 and the original went to 3180.
> Please help.
> --
> Reed L. O'Brien
> VisionOnline, Inc.
> 10511 Braddock Road, Suite 200
> Fairfax, VA 22032
> 703-425-4800
> 703-425-6885 fax
> www.visiononline.com
>   --last line of the author's message--

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