Hi All

        Does anyone know a way of automatically importing a CSV file into a
users contact list and specifying certain options in the process (such as do
not import duplicates). If possible i would like users to be able to run
this program themselves from a shared drive which points to the CSV file
that I update.



Coolchain Ltd                    Coolchain Ltd 
London Road                      Henley Road 
Teynham                          Paddock Wood 
Kent                             Kent 
ME9 9PR                          TN12 6DN 

Tel: 01795 523200                Tel: 01892 831400 
Fax: 01795 523241                Fax: 01892 831451 

All business is conducted in accordance with the company's 
terms and conditions, a copy of which is available on 
request. For the avoidance of doubt, all orders initiated 
by ourselves must be signed by an authorised signatory of 
this company.

List posting FAQ:       http://www.swinc.com/resource/exch_faq.htm
Archives:               http://www.swynk.com/sitesearch/search.asp
To unsubscribe:         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Exchange List admin:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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