Switch to x.400 connectors. There is precious little difference, at the
network level, between Site Connectors and intrasite communications - they
both rely entirely on RPC connectivity, which frankly blows across unstable
or tempermental WANs.

Alternately (since you'd need to own Enterprise to use x.400 connectors),
you could also use the IMS as your connector, but I find x.400 easier to use
for connector purposes.

Roger D. Seielstad - MCSE
Sr. Systems Administrator
Inovis - Formerly Harbinger and Extricity
Atlanta, GA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Niki Blowfield - Exchange [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 6:26 AM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: Advice on infrastructure design
> Dear All,
> I hope you will excuse me if this seems like an amateurish 
> question to ask,
> but I think we need to revise our setup, and are not in a 
> position to hire a
> consultant.
> Currently, we have 5 offices connected to each other via ADSL 
> links, using
> Sonicwall routers and their VPN capabilities.
> Our Exchange Setup is 1 site with 5 servers. We've had the 
> odd problem in
> the past when the ADSL links have gone down, and messages 
> have been lost.
> Not often, but once or twice
> It was suggested to me here that we should configure each 
> server as residing
> in a different site, and configure site connectors
> I now have an issue where one server experiences massive delays when
> delivering messages to other servers (8 hours in some cases). 
> On closer
> inspection, I see lots of MTA errors regarding RPC communication. When
> running RPC Ping, it says it failed to bind to the other 
> servers on all
> protocols
> If we are to revise our configuration, will it be best for me to move
> mailboxes from 1 server to what I call our central server 
> which will be
> remaining in the site its in, then delete the old server, re-install
> exchange into a new site in the existing organisation, and move the
> mailboxes back?
> Thanks for any advice
> Nik
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