...maybe the little check mark in the:

Advanced E-mail Options|Save Messages
"In folders other than the Inbox, save
 replies with original message"

is checked.

  On Behalf Of Greg Deckler

> In my experience the Outlook resource booking has always booked =
> duplicates.
> This is why I prefer using the AutoAccept script.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 2:34 PM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: Auto-accept resources are booking duplicates, etc.
> I have a system that is not functioning correctly for resource mailboxes
> set up to automatically accept meeting requests. These are mailboxes =
> that
> have been as follows:
> They have accounts and Exchange 2000 Mailboxes created for each =
> resource.
> These resources are configured to only accept email from themselves. AD
> Users and Computers | Exchange Features | Delivery Restrictions | Accept
> Email From Only those Listed.
> =20
> A profile was created for each conference room and configured such that
> Tools | Options | Preferences | Calendar Options | Resource Scheduling =
> has
> everything checked.
> =20
> Also, Tools | Options | Preferences | Email Options | Tracking Options |
> Process requests and responses upon arrival  is checked?
> =20
> Users book resources by creating meeting requests and book the =
> conference
> room as a Resource.
> =20
> Now, the kicker, this has been working fine since April of this year.
> However, recently the system has been deleting appointments, book
> duplicates and otherwise having corruptions. I see two potential =
> culprits
> here and was wondering if anyone had seen something similar and solved =
> it.
> First culprit might be Outlook 2002. Outlook 2000 was in use and Outlook
> 2002 has been phased in slowly starting around June. I know that Outlook
> has exhibited these types of problems before if running Outlook 2000 and
> Outlook 98, so this might be a similar problem. Second culprit might be
> just plain old database corruption. Any thoughts?
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