I'll have to check when I get to work (and of course I'll forget) but
something tells me I read a bit about it in Jim McBee's
_Exchange_2000_24seven_.  If not, there's something useful in the pile
of papers that helps my desk remain firmly rooted to the floor.  My
second guess being that I saw it in Outlook & Exchange Administrator
newsletter within the last several months.

It's hell getting old.

-----Original Message-----
From: Harmon, Michelle M. [mailto:Michelle.M.Harmon@;conoco.com] 
Posted At: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 5:33 PM
Posted To: MSExchange Mailing List
Conversation: AutoDL
Subject: RE: AutoDL

I got a brief response about AutoDL, but haven't gotten any useful
documentation or anything of that nature.  

Does anyone have a good document on how to install the product?  I've
followed the instructions given on this list in the past few weeks to
try to make it work but haven't met with success yet.  

Any contributions will be met with eternal gratitude and a beer on me
the next time you're in Houston.  :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike [mailto:mike.koch@;ebgames.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 12:00 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: AutoDL

Does anyone use the AutoDL utility that ships with Exchange2K? There
have been very few responses to recent questions concerning the
configuration of AutoDL, and I'm just curious if it's because no one
uses it. The instructions aren't very clear, at least for those of us
(like me) that don't have much experience with SQL or IIS.

Thanks in advance!

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