Oh sure it's funny until you have to go in on Christmas.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of William
Sent: Wednesday, December 25, 2002 12:12 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Twas the night before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, and all 'cross the WAN
Email traffic was humming as only it can.
Best wishes and greetings and tacky ecards
And SPAM of the kind that ought to be barred.

Helpdesks and Admins at home with their kin
Grumbling o'er what a tough year it has been.
Yet grateful for clients and bosses and such
Pondering if they should tell them as much.

With IIS fully patched and BSD in the front,
So my Exchange server need not take the brunt,
I can celebrate with my family full of Christmas cheer
Knowing my servers are good til New Years.

The wail of the pager then gave me the creeps!
Even with batteries removed to prevent any beeps.
Don my robe and to the home PC I head
VPN to the office, but the connection seems dead.

Driving to work, the big question I muster:
"Why did I go with Active/Active cluster??"
Nothing coulda prepared me, no matter the time,
On the serverroom floor, all the Elves of MIME!

    "Now HELO, now MAIL FROM
    Now RCPT TO, now DATA
    On IP, On Hostname
    On Header and ta-da!
    To the virtual server
    Out the NIC to the 'net
    Bring on the next one!
    We'll get through this yet!"

"The information store it seems had a bit of a fall
And emails have spilled on the floor and the walls.
Notes, tasks, contacts.  Calendars, too.
All over the place.  What else could we do?"

"You? You encode them?", I asked, simply aghast.
Then I remembered, but just one year past.
Santa had worked on my server that night.
Since then it had seemed to be running alright.

Now his helpers are here, data on the floor still
Like the wrong switch run on e-s-e util.
I watched in awe as the elves did assemble
little packets back into the mail they resembled.

Their eyes were so bright, their arms how they spun.
They worked very hard, yet had so much fun!
With green and red hats, they stood a foot tall.
Dozens of them working and having a ball!

Their cheeks were all rosy, their faces asmile.
Their jackets and pants: the epitomy of style.
Adorned with white sneakers with the words "Got Stick?"
And teamwork to make any manager sick.

Some segments they tossed; I asked "what was that?"
"Oh do not worry, just winmail dot DATs."
They cleaned up a mess I couldn't explain,
Almost done, my server was running again.

Who would believe me?  How could I tell?
They'd institutionalize me; say I'm not well.
The elves were all done; their work for today.
And berated me for my open relay.

"Look at it this way," they spoke with a sigh,
"At least you're not running Oracle 9i."
Then together they yelled then disappeared from sight,
"Happy Messaging to all, and to all a good night!"

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