I tried to make the VB Script work a while ago without success. Finally
went a different route and procured the IMSS suite from TrendMicro,
which works beautifully.

-----Original Message-----
From: Yanek Korff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 2:24 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: E-Mail disclaimers; exch2000

Following KB articles:
317680 - Add a Disclaimer to Outgoing SMTP Messages in Visual Basic
288756 - SMTP Transport Event OnArrival Does Not Fire For MAPI Messages

I've followed the procedures in the above two articles and can't seem to
a disclaimer working.  If I telnet to my secondary server's port 26 &
simulate an SMTP conversation the message does get to its destination
the disclaimer... but no disclaimer under MAPI.

I'm confident Virtual Server 1 is listening on 25 & sending to the same
server on port 26.  The secondary virtual server is listening on 26 &
sending to the external mail relay.  The SMTP Event sink is registered
the secondary virtual server.

Did I miss something?

cscript smtpreg.vbs /enum yields:
Source {1B3C0666-E470-11D0-AA67-80C04FA345F6} {
  DisplayName = smtpsvc 1
  OnArrival Sinks {
Source {1B3C0666-E470-11D3-AA67-80C04FA345F6} {
  DisplayName = smtpsvc 2
  OnArrival Sinks {
    Binding {388E9019-0868-47BE-8C96-A2FA975CA970} {
      DisplayName = SMTPScriptingHost
      SinkClass = CDO.SS_SMTPOnArrivalSink
      Status = Enabled
      SourceProperties {
        Priority = 0
        Rule = mail from=*
      SinkProperties {
        ScriptName = D:\EventSink\EventSinkScript.vbs
    Binding {10F2AD29-5256-4B36-A5CA-EAB34079419B} {
      DisplayName = SampleOnArrivalEvent
      SinkClass = SampleSMTPEvent.TransportEventInterface
      Status = Enabled
      SourceProperties {
        Rule = mail from=*
        Priority = 10
      SinkProperties {

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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