Thank you all for your precious advices. I will probably go VPN as it
seems the best way to do it. But just for the info, can anyone reply to
me concerning the ports question: If I fix the dynamic ports range of
RPC communication as per article 154596, will this apply to the dynamic
ports Exchange needs, or is it only for Windows NT services? Thanks

Best Regards
Nizar El-Assaad

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Scharff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:41 PM
Posted To: Lyris MS Exchange Discussions
Conversation: Exchange Server and Firewalls
Subject: Re: Exchange Server and Firewalls

I was thinking exactly the same thing. Well, that and that I wouldn't be
using a site connector over the Internet.

On 2/18/03 8:04, "Tristan Gayford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Use a VPN for this scenario every time. 

Tristan Gayford 
Deputy Systems & Network Manager 
Cranfield University at Silsoe 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Nizar El-Assaad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 18 February 2003 09:29 
To: Exchange Discussions 


I have a Windows NT 4 domain with two Exchange Servers 5.5. The two 
servers are located in two different geographical sites, and connect 
through a Site Connector. The Exchange servers are also domain 
controllers. I am configuring the firewall between the two sites (they 
connect through the internet). I came across a lot of articles in MS 
Knowledge Base. In one article (154596 - Configure RPC Dynamic Port 
Allocation to Work with Firewall), it states that I can set a range of 
TCP ports over 1024 (preferably over 5000) for dynamic ports needed for 
RPC communication (in addition to port 135). In other articles related 
to Exchange server (notably the following: 176466 - TCP Ports and 
Microsoft Exchange: In-depth Discussion; 155831 - Setting TCP/IP ports 
for Exchange and Outlook Client Connections Through a Firewall; 161931 -

Configuring MTA TCP/IP Port # for X.400 and RPC Listens; 148732 - 
Setting TCP/IP Port Numbers for Internet Firewalls), they tell you how 
to allocate static ports to the various Exchange services. Now the 
question is: If I set a range of TCP ports (say from 5000 to 5020) as 
stated in article 154596, and make these ports available on the 
firewall, will it be sufficient as all the Exchange services use RPC 
communication or do I still need to allocate static ports for these 
services? In the latter case, should these ports fall in the range that 
I allowed in Windows NT RPC communication or should they be outside this

range? In other words, will Exchange use ports in this range or is this 
range restricted for Windows NT Services (DHCP, WINS, NetBIOS sessions, 

Thank you for your help. 

Best Regards 
Nizar El-Assaad 

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