OK, I'm looking for some assistance.

Ex5.5 SP4 on W2K SP3 1 Gig Mem NAV 2.12 in MAPI/VAPI Mode

Yesterday @ 2:58 NAV started reporting errors in the application log, life

45 - Scan Engine Failure. 
HRESULT = 0x80004005.  This error occurred while scanning the attachment
"play.exe" of message "unknown" located in "unknown".

68 - Unable to initialize Scan Engine. The virus definitions may be missing
or corrupt. Perform a LiveUpdate to retrieve the latest virus defintions.

110 - The process navesp.exe failed to start (0xC009008A).

167 - The process NAVECTRL.EXE terminated unexpectedly.

168 - The process NAVECTRL.EXE was restarted.

68, 110, 167, 168, 68, 110, 167, ...

This goes on until the app log fills up -- then the machine started to beep.
The beeps were rapid enough that I couldn't login (no real keyboard
response) so I connected to the machine from my desktop, stopped the
exchange and NAV services. I tried a remote shutdown (PSTOOLS and my own app
that calles the API) but no luck -- finally I hit the reset button -- ugh!

OK, machine comes back up, I resize app logs and bring the machine down and
up normally. By the time I'm back up and running it's 3:50. OK, life goes

At 4:38 I get 2 X.400 entries Info first, warning second:

270 - A permanent error has occurred with Entity /O=TECH
Entity is a Message  Object is a Normal Priority Message. Object: 06000033.
Message ID: C=us;A= ;P=tech software;L=EX10303042138GJTJN7LD  Content
length: 3381, External Trace information (first 100 bytes) =
800D3033303330343231333831375A8201008302060000000000,  PDU dump reference 1
[MTA SUBMIT 15 74] (14)


290 - A non-delivery report (reason code transfer-failure and diagnostic
code undeliverable-mail-recipient-deceased) is being generated for message
C=us;A= ;P=tech software;L=EX10303042138GJTJN7LD. It was originally destined
for DN:/o=TECH
ADMIN599E3495599E3495599E349577EE8281045431; (recipient number 1), and was
to be redirected to . [MTA DISP:RESULT 19 136] (12)

And life goes on...

At 5:10 DrWatson reports:

The application, store.exe, generated an application error The error
occurred on 03/04/2003 @ 17:10:20.734 The exception generated was c0000005
at address 77FCBB23 (RtlFreeHeap)


I look at services, sure enough store is down, and IMC is on it's way down.
Lots of later messages from IMC, SA, and ES about unexpected errors --
probably because store isn't there. <G>

I restart Store and restart IMC, log playbacks go ok and I appear good at
this point.  



Walden H Leverich III
Tech Software
(516) 627-3800 x11
(208) 692-3308 eFax

Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)

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