thanks! chris


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Scharff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 12:53 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Q -Exch55 Prohibit SND/RCV message

1. no send/receive limit is probably a bad idea. If one user got
mailbombed it could stop Exchange for everyone.

2. The odds of all users being mail bombed is pretty low isn't it?

3. You've not taken into consideration SIS, but it's not necessarily all
that important.

4. It would if you believe you have a legitimate threat of being mail
bombed, but if that is the case then mailbox limits alone are
insufficient protection and you should be looking to disk space monitors
and performance related counters to help safeguard the integrity of the

-----Original Message-----
From: Mellott, Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Posted At: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 11:47 AM
Posted To: swynk
Conversation: Q -Exch55 Prohibit SND/RCV message
Subject: RE: Q -Exch55 Prohibit SND/RCV message

so then..and Im sure Im a bit off...
but say you have 125 users.standard exch(55)...the PRIV on a 15GB
disk... (Exchnage main and PUB of different disks)

if I gave each user say 100MB mail box...
so 100MB * 125 users = 12.5GB (if all users are max'd out) which say
would leave me ~ 2.5GB of free room on the 15GB disk... (no system space
taken in too account for the example)

now if say I set the SEND LIMIT at 75MB...

Now here are some Q's

1.) NO...Send and Receive Limit
if all users got mail bombed....wouldnt if fill the 15GB disk and STOP

2.) If I set the Send and Receive Limit to say 100MB.
if all users got mail bombed...wouldnt Exch keep running since the 15GB
disk still has 2.5GB free??? Note yes users would scream and cry...whats

3.) Am I miss calculating and - of miss understanding the SEND and
RECEIVE potential????

4.) If I set the Send and Receive Limit to 4x the send limit (75MB) =
300MB then would it 125users * 300MB = 37.5GB wouldnt that exceed the HD
space of 15GB and stop exchange???


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Scharff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2003 12:54 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Q -Exch55 Prohibit SND/RCV message

I've set the prohibit receive limit for my users to be 4x $large_num
(which also happens to be their prohibit send number), so they'd
certainly be aware of problems _long_ before they hit a sending limit. I
also monitor mailbox sizes and proactively take care of issues where a
user is approaching limits.

While the error message for this issue isn't particularly pretty, it's
been the same since Exchange 4.0. With a proactive management style and
well reasoned limits, I'm not sure that the actual text of the NDR
should be of concern. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Mellott, Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Posted At: Saturday, May 24, 2003 7:51 AM
Posted To: swynk
Conversation: Q -Exch55 Prohibit SND/RCV message
Subject: Q -Exch55 Prohibit SND/RCV message

Exch55sp4 + postsp4

If you have the  "Prohibit Send and Receive" limit set... AND the user
is at the limit the person sending the user a message.....get's a NDR
about receiving user....

So from checking Technet (Q238498)..this would appear as the "normal"

Ummmmm my Q is this....why wouldn't it send a message type say "User
over quota...etc" yeh..I know cause MS coded that way....

It just makes me think a bit..and I was just curious about what those of
you more experienced with this beast..Think...

anybody know if MS "changed" this type of thing in E2K3?

it seems to me to make more understandable sense if it said the user was
over quote..etc...


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