I don't believe it needs a reboot, but I think some services do need to
be stopped/started (been a while since I tested it in my lab, but I'll
be doing more shortly before we actually install). I tend to do all
software updates during an outage window if at all possible just because
one never knows when something simple will go pear shaped.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bailey, Matthew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Posted At: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 3:10 PM
Posted To: swynk
Conversation: AutoAccept Script
Subject: RE: AutoAccept Script

It is the script located referenced here:

All the conference rooms are on one server.  Thanks to Martin Tuip, I
was able to find my problem on the known issues list.

"If an Outlook client has a resource mailbox open and attempts to
automatically process an incoming item then it will cause the sink to
fail due to the fact that Outlook changes the item out from under the

I know at minimum 3 of the 7 conference rooms are opened as a second
mailbox on various Admin Assist. Desktops.

I am going to evaluate ERM as an alternate soluton.  Based on your
comments, it looks like the server need to be reboot to install ERM?


- Matt

Matthew Bailey
LAN Engineer
CSK Auto, Inc.
Voice: 602.631.7486
Fax: 602.294.7486

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Scharff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 12:08 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: AutoAccept Script

Is this Robert Strong's script? It's never really been a supported
script and is even less so under E2K.[1] There are a couple of
alternatives for E2K... I'm going to install ERM for my users
(http://www.swinc.com/erm/) during our next outage window.

[1] Are all of the conference rooms on the same server?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bailey, Matthew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Posted At: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 1:28 PM
Posted To: swynk
Conversation: AutoAccept Script
Subject: AutoAccept Script

Does anybody have any experience with the AutoAccept Script?

I am having a weird problem.  I have about 12 conference rooms setup as
resources.  5 of the 12 conference rooms return confirmations when the
conference room is booked as a resources.  The other 7 do not but will
work if you add them as an attendee.  I have looked for differences in
both AD and in Outlook but can't seem to find why one conference room
works while the others don't.  They appear to be setup identically.
(Note: I didn't set them up originally)

The conference rooms that are working show the booking in the Trace
folder and in the calendar.  The conference rooms that aren't working
show no traces but the appointment is added to the calendar.

Anybody have a clue why this would happen?  Or where to start looking?


- Matt

Matthew Bailey
LAN Engineer
CSK Auto, Inc.
Voice: 602.631.7486
Fax: 602.294.7486

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