I am looking for some software to integrate into my Exchange 5.5 environment
that will allow me to send duplicate emails sent from any user to their
assigned manager. Basically we have several people in the building who are
abusing the company's Electronic Communications policy. We would like to
track any emails sent from their account to be duped into their managers
inbox. I don't think Exchange has this built-in. I do know it has it for
incoming mail and I can specify multiple recipients for incoming but not for
outgoing mail. Also would like to know of software to create better backups
for the Exchange 5.5 environment. Currently if a user gets mail and hard
deletes it off the system then it never gets backed up at the nightly run,
same thing goes for sent mail. Do you know of software to eliminate that
circumvention as well? I know there is software out there to do that... just
don't know who makes it or what it is called.


- Scott Weston -

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