I thought this was interesting...feed back? Drawbacks?

From: Mark Minasi's Windows 2000/NT Newsletter
Issue #17 September 2001

An Innovative Way To Combat E-Mail Viruses
I recently whined aloud in the e-mail newsletter that I do for Windows 2000
Magazine (get it free at http://www.win2000mag.net/email/#) about how bloody
tired I was that people are still opening attachments without looking
closely at them.  Reader Brian Davis had a great idea:  redefine the VBS,
Javascript, REG and similar files so that the default when you click on them
is not to EXECUTE... but to OPEN them.  Brilliant and, like most great
ideas, should have obvious from the beginning!  You can, of course, still
run scripts -- but you must do it by right-clicking them and choosing
"Execute" or "Run" instead of "Open."  Here's Brian's Regedit script to make
this happen:

@="C:\\Windows\\Notepad.exe \"%1\""
@="C:\\Windows\\Notepad.exe \"%1\""
@="C:\\Windows\\Notepad.exe \"%1\""
@="C:\\Windows\\Notepad.exe \"%1\""
@="C:\\Windows\\Notepad.exe \"%1\""
@="C:\\Windows\\Notepad.exe \"%1\""

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