Immigration site:  <http://LadySun1969.tripod.com>
Our new 2001 Miata:  <http://members.cardomain.com/bpituley>
Tiggercam:  <http://www.tiggercam.co.uk>
A doctor opening a patient to remove an appendix does not have the right to
swipe a kidney for transplant while he's there. You do not have permission
to use e-mail addresses given to you for purposes not stated at the time
they were given.  -Paul J. Ste. Marie 

>  -----Original Message-----
> Everyone please, go to your local Red Cross and donate 
> blood today. Even if you are far from the attacks your blood 
> will be badly needed. Red Cross centers nearer the disasters 
> will draw from areas close to them and those areas will draw 
> from areas close to them to the need for blood radiates 
> outward. 
> The minimum age for donation is 18 US wide with Oregon and 
> Washington at least 17. 
> Please, there is so little most of us can do , but this is one 
> thing nearly all of us can do to help. 

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