Try picking overwrite instead of append. However remember that if you
forget to remove tapes you will overwrite your last tapes.

Another way might be to manually erase the tapes before they are needed.

"Matthew Western" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/16/2001 09:01:16 PM

Please respond to "MS-Exchange Admin Issues"

To:   "MS-Exchange Admin Issues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Backup

I've got win2k/exch2k(soon) happening on a box. I'm tryhing to get a
scheduled backup happening of the machine, but w2k is a bit (too) clever
reads my backup media before i try and write to it. Because we have a
rotating 10 day tape base, it sees it as having data. Problem is when i put
in a tape to go over the top of I have problems because it's not 'New
Media'. This presents a problem because a 'New media' tape is not inserted
and thus doesn't back up... how can i specify old media to go over stuff
that is already there?

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