Title: Changing Service Account Password

I am about to embark on this endeavor and I'm looking to find any problems that I may run into.  I'm going to follow the process given by Microsoft in Q157780 - http://support.microsoft.com/directory/article.asp?ID=KB;EN-US;Q157780

My setup is NT4.0 SP6a and Exchange 5.5 SP4.  The directions seem pretty straight forward for a single site Exchange Organization but I fear that I'm going to run into problems because we have multiple sites, 13 to be exact with 16 Exchange servers total.  The sites are spread all over the world and connected by various link speeds. 

I am a little confused by the article in the sense that I'm not sure if I follow the first part of it for every site.  Paraphrasing, "Start by changing the service account password through the properties of the configuration container on the Service account password tab."  Do I need to do this for each site?

I understand the ramifications of doing this as well as the reasons why it should be done.  I don't want to make this change but my boss is pushing the issue.

Thank You,

Casey Friese
Omnicare Clinical Research
NT Administrator, Exchange Administrator
Phone: 484.679.2784 - Cell: 610.812.2180

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