Silly question, but did you reapply service packs for the OS, Exchange, and
Proxy on the parallel install to bring them to the same level as the
original?  Several service packs have contained updates/fixes for the JET
database engine.

Bruce Epper
Network Analyst/DBA
WARNING: I have an attitude and I know how to use it!

Subject: Service specific error 4294966782
From: "Noel Walsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 09:57:36 -0400
X-Message-Number: 3

After backing up from a tape due to a fault with Proxy server 2.0 which
also runs on our Exchange server(I know), I had to do a parallel install
of NT to get the machine to boot. This got me up and running again but I
had multiple problems and am still trying to undo a few of them. The fact
that the tape was quite old( I don't know I've only just got this job)
meant that NETLOGON wouldn't run. I solved that one and another WINS error
but after getting the MTA and DS services running, the Information store
service will not start. A "service specific error 4294966782". This
appears to be a database problem which can only be fixed by third party
tools. Can any of you shed any light on this situation as I've come to a
bit of a dead end in my troubleshooting.

Bruce Epper
Network Analyst/DBA
A termite walks into a bar and asks, "Is the bar tender here?"

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