Sorry just a bit more info about the NDR, it comes back listing each
recipient like so:

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

      Bob Smith (E-mail) on 31/10/01 10:49
            Unable to deliver the message due to a communications failure
        The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=GB;a=
            MSEXCH:IMS:ORG:SITE:MAIL_SERVER 3552 (000B099C) 552 Header
line is ridiculously overlong

Thanks, James.

> Dear all,
> One of our users is receiving this NDR (as am I as the IMS Admin) when he
> tries to send an e-mail to Mailshot distribution list he created.
> First he added each individual name in the 'To' field and it failed. Then
> we created a distribution list (actually 2 of them to split them up) and
> it failed again. There are around 160 e-mail addresses in total.
> Technet is no help, a search on google found a couple of articles but they
> were a bit vague, due to one article we also tried putting the list into
> the CC field but alas this was also in vain. There are no restrictions on
> the users mailbox either.
> The server is 5.5 sp3 by the way.
> Any ideas my fellow Exchange administrators? Thanks.

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