Title: Reoccurring appts in week view

I have a user who has created a public folder to use as a schedule for his department.  The schedules are setup as individually reoccurring meetings for each user.  The problem is that when the calendar is viewed in anything but Week view, some of the occurrences don't show up.  Everyone shows up beautifully as scheduled in the Week view, however. 

When you open the meeting itself, the reoccurrence is stated correctly.  I have tried deleting and recreating the meeting with an end date, no end date, etc.  Does anyone know of any limitations on the calendar that we could be running into?  There are typically about 10 meetings on each day, I would hope that isn't the max for Outlook.

Running Exchange 5.5 SP4, Outlook 2000, XP, and 97. 

Angie Sawyer
NT Administrator

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