i have an exchange 2000 server with sp1 installed.  all my mailboxes were created fine, except for 2 of them.  this is the error i get and i researched the id on Microsoft's site but it wasnt much help.  has anyone run into this before or can anyone give me a hand on this one because i am running low on ideas.
Source:        MSExchangeAL
Category:     LDAP Operations
Event ID:      8270
"LDAP returned the error [32] Insufficient Rights when importing the transaction
dn: <GUID=AAE1F775FEC0104E99AD007479A3B97F>
changetype:  Modify
showInAddressBook: add:CN=All Users, CN=All Address Lists, CN=Address Lists Container, CN=Medaille College...:CN=Default Global Address List, CN=All Global Address Lists, CN=Address Lists Cont...
there is more and i can post it if needed.  the mailbox says it is created successfully, but the user doesnt show up in the GAL or an e-mail address isnt put into its AD object automatically.
thanks for any help/insight
Bob Chyka
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