FYI from Russ....

Two notes refuting the assertion that having IE 4.01
SP2 on your Exchange
Server 5.5 prior to installing SP4 lets MS01-057
install correctly;


"That is not true. I loaded version one of this patch
on a box running NT4
SP level up to Post SP6 Rollup, IE 5.5 SP2, and
Exchange (OWA) SP4 (Exchange
not really running on this box it is strictly IIS and
OWA)  and it still
broke my OWA.  MS support was no help bringing it
back.  I had to remove and
reload completely.  Some great Saturday afternoon. 
Version 2 of the patch
is not supposed to cause problems.....fool me once
shame on you, fool me
twice shame on me.......
I will wait and see."

Brent Cowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> says;

"Actually I ran into the problem on a server running
Exchange 5.5 SP4, IIS
4.0 and IE4.01 SP2. Originally the server had been set
up using Exchange 5.5
SP3 and I upgraded to SP4. When I installed the patch
my users couldn't read
their e-mail. I had to upgrade IE to a newer version."

Russ - Surgeon General of TruSecure
Corporation/NTBugtraq Editor

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