Title: RE: Cannot open pst file

Not exactly.  When you copy it to a Hard Disk it will carry over it's read only attribute.

1.  Copy to Hard Disk
2.  Change attribute to NOT be Read Only.
3.  Import to Exchange IS
4.  Not importing?  Why do you own an Exchange server?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 3:31 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Cannot open pst file

It needs read/write permission.  When it is on a cd, you can't write to it.
Copy it to a drive.
Network Administrator
Sybari Software
631.630.8569 -direct dial
631.439.0689 -fax
"One man's ceiling is another man's floor"

|        |          "Dougie Coull"      |
|        |          <douglas.coull@baesy|
|        |          stems.com>          |
|        |                              |
|        |          12/17/2001 02:05 PM |
|        |          Please respond to   |
|        |          "MS-Exchange Admin  |
|        |          Issues"             |
|        |                              |

  |                                                                                                                                       |

  |       To:     "MS-Exchange Admin Issues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                    |

  |       cc:                                                                                                                             |

  |       Subject:     Cannot open pst file                                                                                               |


Hi Guys

I've been through the archives because I'm sure this has come up before
but I can't find it.

Basically whats happened is that a new user has arrived onsite with a CD
which contains a .pst file with all his old mail in it. When he tries to
connect the pst file as a personal folder he gets the error message "File
access is denied. You do not have the permission required to access the
file .........". Anyone know how to get round this. Like I say I'm sure
I've seen this answered before but its getting near xmas and my brain has
decided to go into holiday mode already


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