I am throwing myself on the mercy of you Exchange gurus who know a lot more than 
me....  I am writing this message from my home account.  My work address is 

I thought I was open relay safe.  I found out I am not.  Sunday, I got hit with a 
massive SPAM campaign, and I fear I am still spamming people.  Can someone please help 
me so I am no longer an internet nuisance?!?

First, can you tell if my relay is still open?  Exchange 5.5 SP4 on NT 4.0 SP6a.  If I 
am, what do I need to do to close it?

I am able to get mail from outside the company, but our outbound queue is stuffed.  I 
know how to purge the imcdata\out and in dirs, but how do I purge my inbound/outbound 
messages awaiting conversion?

I am sending out 10's of thousands of SPAM messages regarding getting out of debt.  My 
IMS is running near 100% utilization handling all the NDR's my machine is getting.

I am desperate here,


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