Title: Message
It's Mail Essentials causing the problem.  I have the same setup on my Exchange server with Mail Essentials. 
We we're using a third party service that we were paying a monthly fee for to prevent us being used as an open relay, and mgmt made the decision to discontinue that.  When I did, we were open for relay and I and another exchange admin spent days working on it, going through every tech net article we could find from MS, and were beginning to doubt our ability to read and follow the directions in the articles.  We ended up making a $250.00 call to MS support and when the tech telnetted into my exchange server to look at it.....he found that Mail Essentials was actually acting as the incoming mail gateway, not exchange, and that it was allowing everything to come in.....I believe that there are settings in Mail Essentials that will prevent mail relay, but since we wanted it locked down immediately and not risk any more time being open to relay and decided that we would continue with our third party solution for now.  You should contact GFI and get help from their tech support on what to do in Mail Essentials to prevent relaying, I've always had wonderful technical support from them when I've contacted them.
Good luck,
-----Original Message-----
From: mark verschaeve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 9:46 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Open relay

Hi all,

I have a problem that my exchange server is on open relay.
I already tried several settings, but a telnet-session still gives the possibility to send spam mail.
I don't have the need to route to another server or so.
It's a single domain, one exchange server, so the simplest configuration, but...

I'm running NT4 SP6A and exchange 5.5 SP4
Also I have mails essentials installed on the same server.

Even when i set routing to don't reroute I'm still open.

Do I hav to re-apply the SP4, or can someone give me the exact settings?

Thanks a lot, because we where spammed twice already!!!

Mark Verschaeve,
Mortier NV

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