Hi Steve,

Sorry, already tried that, still didn't work. When the server re-booted I
re-ran the install and it just ran a new one and failed at the end of it!
Seems ridiculous having to re-install NT just to get Exchange off the


> I'd manually delete all the exchange directories and then disable all
> the exchange services, reboot, and try again... :) not exactly what you
> asked for but this worked in my test lab once.
> Let us know how you get on.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Gosnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 21 February 2002 10:49
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: Removing Exchange
> Dear all,
> Just a quick one I'm sure somebody will be able to point me in the right
> direction for.
> I am currently 'messing' around with a development server (NT 4.0) which
> I
> am trying to restore our Exchange Server to. I join it to our network as
> a
> BDC and then take it off-line, restore the backup thus demonstating my
> ability to deal with a disaster and then also practice upgrading to 2000
> e.t.c
> I am experiencing problems restoring the database but this is another
> issue involving the wonderful Arcserve.
> My problem is that every time I botch up a restore it basically corrupts
> the Exchange installation and I don't really seem to able to remove it
> properly. Therefore a new resote won't work, I can't re-run setup so I
> keep re-installing the server!
> Basically the state I have at the moment is only 4 Exchange services
> installed, if I run setup (to hopefully get the uninstall option) it
> doesn't detect the current installation and attempts a new one which
> then
> fails! I think what I am asking is does anyone know where to find the
> article for manually doing a total removal of Exchange 5.5?
> Thanks, James.
> List Charter and FAQ at:
> http://www.sunbelt-software.com/exchange_list_charter.htm

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