Should not be Antigen, we used Scanmail and sometime
IMS also shutdown by itself also.  At first we used
Scanmail 3.51 which used AVAPI, and this happened.
Afterwards upgrade to 3.7 which follows Antigen uses
ESE.  Thought this may help IMS since the Virus engine
scan the virus in the Database Engine level, still IMS
will shutdown by itself occassionally.

For me I suspect that some corrupted mails causing this 
on my site, may not be your case.  Overhere there are
some web services which make use of java mail servlet,
basically the developers tried to compose their own mails
complete with MIME attachments.  Suspect some of the mails
composed by these applications has the wrong format which
IMS does not recognized and cause it to halt.  I have asked
the developers to relook into their servlets.

Ong LB

-----Original Message-----
From: John Riley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 8:51 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Internet Mail Service--Stopped

Greetings All,

Sometime yesterday the Internet Mail Service on my Exchange Server--NT4.0
SPa, MSExchange 5.5--SP4 shut itself off.  I discovered this overnight and
when I went to restart the service--thank God it did restart. Antigen is
the mailserver antivirus we use.  So, I am throwing this out to you for
any comments, specifically has anyone on this list experienced a "self
shutdown" by Exchange.  My only thought that somehow the Antigen software
shutdown the server to fend off some virus attack.



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