
Can anyone tell me if this is doable or not, we're running Exchange 2000 SP2 to handle 
all of out mail.

We have an aggreement with one of our partners where they e-mail us the details of a 
case, we then print the email (with the word attachments) and then act on it.

Is it possible for this to be automated, such as:

The email is dropped into a public folder which then prints the email and any 
attachments to a specific printer and then forwards a copy of the mail onto another 
mailbox while filing the original in a subfolder of the public folder?

I think I could do it all with rules except the printing bit, every case that comes in 
will have two or more attached word documents.

Stuart Pittwood, CCNA, MCP (x5)
IT Technician
Amery-Parkes Solicitors

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