Oh, me too! 
How'd you get it around AV?

--- Steve Ens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Man that is funny...I need you to send that to
> me...keep my sanity by
> watching others go crazy.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Holmgren
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 10:35 AM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: OT (slightly) - how to test your users
> e-mail habits
> We do the same type of thing, in-house.  We wrote a
> little program that we
> send out as an attachment from time-to-time.  We
> send it to everyone in the
> company with a forged header to appear to come from
> elsewhere, and we
> include a nice little "pigeon-english" subject,
> similar to "I send you this
> file to have your advice" ;-).  
> If the (l)user runs it, a nice little box pops up on
> their PC and lets them
> know that they could have just hosed their machine
> and seriously fzckued up
> the network.  It also logs their username to a text
> file on one of our
> servers, so we can keep tabs on who we caught.  It
> makes for good
> entertainment on a Friday afternoon.
> -Jim
> Jim Holmgren MCSE, CCNA
> Network Engineer
> Advertising.com
> We bring innovation to interactive communication.
> Advertising.com --
> Superior Technology. Superior Performance.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Toni, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 11:23 AM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: OT (slightly) - how to test your users
> e-mail habits
> I heard a comment on some tech show last week from
> someone who was talking
> about the dangers of email bombs, and apparently
> there is a service out
> there that you can connect to, compose a "tempting"
> junk mail for your
> users, and send it off to see who will actually blow
> off the "be careful"
> policy at work and just open the message and/or
> corresponding attachment
> anyway.  I assume that when someone opens the
> attachment, it will in turn
> e-mail some kind of  a report back to the service
> (or maybe directly to
> you?), where you can gather stats on who/how many
> went for it.  This guy
> quoted a stat -- something like 40% of users will
> typically open any
> message/attachment regardless of policy or the
> repeated preaching by email
> admins.
> I got a call recently (rather irate user) trying to
> open an attachment from
> an unsupported app... 
> user: "I can't open an attachment"  
> me: "what is it - a word doc or spreadsheet or
> something?" 
> user: "I don't know" 
> me: "is it something you were expecting from
> someone?" 
> user: "no" 
> me: "why are you trying to open it?" 
> user: "I just want to see what it is"  
> me: "just ignore it"
> user: "but why can't I open it?"
> me: "you're PC doesn't recognize what it is"
> user: "well, I sent to so-and-so, and
> what's-her-name, (etc..), and they
> can't open it either"
> me: <sigh> "just delete it and I'll tell them to do
> the same"
> Our users not only dive into the unknown, but they
> make sure their friends
> are doing the same - aarhgggghhh!  These guys get
> the sermon on a regular
> basis but it just doesn't sink in.  When I heard
> about this kind of service
> out there, I thought "this is kind of sneaky (would
> it even be considered a
> kind of entrapment?)",  but it would clearly
> demonstrate the problem to the
> managers here.  Someone on another list once made a
> very wise comment
> (probably been said here too) about trying to use
> technology to solve
> behavioral problems, but that's not my intent.  I'd
> like to use technology
> to raise awareness of the problem - not to solve it.
>  The service might give
> us a more tangible idea if there are a lot of people
> here that blow off
> policy and just open everything they get, and it
> could be up to the managers
> here to deal with the offending staff appropriately.
> Is this kind of service something very new?  Does
> anyone know anything about
> it?  I wish I could have caught the details of that
> show but I was
> multitasking that day (my 5-year-old took over as
> highest priority) so I got
> side-tracked, but I'd like to know if anyone has any
> thoughts on this.  
> thanks
> randy.
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