Title: Message
Professional CDO Programming by Siegfried Weber [1]
Developing Applications using Outlook 2000..... by Rafaele Piemonte
Any Book by Sue Mosher
Any Book by Thomas Rizzo
www.cdolive.com [1]
www.microsoft.com (The site features a whole set of information about WorkFlow with plenty of examples)
IIRC There aren't any specific courses but you could ask me nicely!
[1] Hi Siegfried!
-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Cathcart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 May 2002 15:25
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Course Information

Hi guys
Slightly "different" request here....
I really want to learn how to use exchange and perhaps SQL Server to automate different tasks within the company. For example, at present each employee rights out there expense claim form by hand, give it to their manager for checking, they either a accept or reject it, if rejected it goes back to employee, if they accept it they pass it onto someone in finance who either accepts or rejects. Dependent on that it goes to someone in finance who issues cheques or passes it back down to manager. What I want to do is get Exchange/Outlook to do this... i.e employee completes electronic form, which is automatically emailed to manager, if accepted it automaticaly goes to 1st stage finance if rejected goes to original sender. If not accepted or rejected within a certain time limit something else would happen... And so on and so on, I think you'll get the picture.
Can any of you recommend a course or a book to learn to do so. Any other info/guidance would be gratefully appreciated.
Oh nearly forgot, we use Exh 2000, SQL 2000, 2000 Server, have Office XP Developer edition, and users within company use various incarnations of Office from 97 onwards.

Graham Cathcart


I.T. Information Officer

G.E.D.C. Ltd

Tel. No. 0141 781 2000


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