Title: Move user to new recipient container
Try our MailMover tool at www.mailsoftware.co.uk. It's free. A new version with bulk mail-move facilities will be available if you need it.
Don't believe the "follow-my-leader" track that says multiple containers are a bad idea. In 5.5 it makes jobs much easier. Allocating permissions for administrators is much easier, admin of rules-based DLs, quota allocation is all much simpler with multiple containers. The only drawback is you can't move users between containers with MS tools - with our tool that is no longer the case so go for it!
-----Original Message-----
From: MACBETH, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 08 July 2002 20:50
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Move user to new recipient container

I am looking for a way to move a user between recipient containers without exporting mail, deleting the mailbox, creating a new mailbox, importing the mail into the new mailbox and assigning the old X500 address. Is there any way for this to be done through raw mode by changing certain attributes? Searching for this in Technet has brought me nothing, but I suspect it would require just the right wording in a search. If someone has a method, does this work when moving a user between sites also?

Exchange 5.5 SP3 and SP4 on NT 4 SP6a



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