Title: RE: IIS5/OWA stops responding
This seems to be an issue when I have 4+ simultaneous users.  MS has been unhelpful so far in finding a cause/resolution.  Any recommendations for keeping OWA up?  My users loved having a taste of it, and its a real disappointment that it is failing sporadically.
"Micheal Espinola Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:276815@exchangelist...
Do you receive an HTTP error or does the site not respond at all?
In my case, IIS "terminates unexpectedly".  Restarting it alone does not work.  Exchange must be restarted along with it, or OWA does not work (although IIS does).
"MHR(Michael Ross)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:276808@exchangelist...

When I upgraded our 5.5 server to e2k on the test LAN, I cant logon via OWA but IIS is running and exchange is running ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 1:37 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: IIS5/OWA stops responding

Bueller?  Bueller?  Anyone?  Anyone?

I've been in contact with MS support, with no luck so far.  Just a lot of monitoring...

"Micheal Espinola Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:275081@exchangelist...
> Exchange 2000 SP2
> IIS5
> Internet Explorer 6+
> ==========
> OWA access works fine, for a finite amount of time - then it seems
> that
> or possibly Exchange
> has some sort of hiccup.  After which the default page will return a
> and any internal pages (for Exchange, i.e. already connected users)
> will return a 401.1 or sometimes 503.
> Simply restarting the IIS service does not fix this issue.  I need to
> restart IIS via the ISM - which also restarts some Exchange services
> too.
> I have already installed the W2K and E2K patches for ISAPI as
> referenced
> IIS: Malformed URL Can Cause Service Failure in IIS 5.0 and Exchange
> 2000 Server (Q286818)
> <http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q286818>
> On the server side, I am sporadically getting:
> Event ID 36871: A fatal error occurred while creating an SSL server
> credential. - which I have found to be common amongst many W2K SP2
> server, and found nothing of relevance in the KB or Google.
> Event ID 7031: The IIS Admin Service service terminated unexpectedly.
> In light if the 7031 which seems to coincide with each failure, I
> and found:
> IIS Shuts Down and Restarts for No Apparent Reason (Q273877)
> <http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q273877>
> This seems like the culprit to me.  I have contacted MS and they are
> me the hotfix.
> Has anyone else experienced this problem?
> --
> - Micheal

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