Title: Message

We plan to move completely to XCHG2K (native) beginning in 03.


Here's the environment:

35 sites running WIN2K (SP2) DC's in native mode in a Single domain/forest

XCHG 5.5 (SP4)


MS DOES NOT recommend running XCHG2K on a DC that is a GC due to LDAP port conflicts. There is a QARTICLE (Q275127 )that allows us a work around to this  issue.


But they claim I will experience MAIL FLOW problems, AD problems and oh yeah the very vague "other communication issues". When I push them for specifics, they won't give me details.. they just tell me it's a bad idea and recommend additional independent servers at each site.. that means 35 servers


Each site is small in the number of users, but because of our WAN topology and service requirements our users need access to email when the WAN links are down. So centralization isn't possible currently.


I would like to do an "in place" upgrade. But if this causes so many issues, I may not have a choice.


So here' my question:

Has anyone else on this alias run a DC/GC with XCHG2K and had problems? If so, what did you do to correct?


Thanks in advance



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