
For your future reference, this was the first document listed when going
to Symantec's [stupidly difficult to navigate] knowledge base, when I
entered "admin account" as the search terms.
Then select Norton Antivirus / 2.x for Microsoft Exchange
Then find the tiny little buried link that says "knowledge base"

-----Original Message-----
From: Nickolaos Fotopoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2002 6:56 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: NAV for Exchange

Win2K - NT4 Domain
Not a controller
Exchange 5.5
NAV for Exchange 2.1

Yesterday I went to the Windows Update page to get SP3 and install it on
my Exchange server.  I noticed that IE6 was listed along with a few
critical updates.  I installed IE6 because this often has some of the
critical updates rolled up with it.  After installing and rebooting, the
NAV for Exchange service fails to start because of a logon problem.  It
says the NT account specified is not an Exchange Administrator.  The
accounts being used is the Domain Admin account which was the default I
suppose cause I have never actually set it manually.  I tried using the
local Admin account and also using the radio button to select Local
System, but I get the same message each time.  I am considering removing
NAV and reinstalling it. Anyone see this before?

Nick Fotopoulos
1501 3rd Avenue
New York, NY

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