Let's try this again.  Apparently the first time I tried to send this the
subject looked like that of an OOO.

I've got a user that is not getting a particular e-mail, which contains an
attachment that she needs.  We are running Exchange 2007.  Here is our

Barracuda300-------- CAS/HT Server
                              MB Server

I looked in the message logs on the Barracuda and I see that the message has
made it there, with the attachment, and that it was not quarantined, denied,
or marked as spam.  I even told the Barracuda to deliver the message and it
still never arrived to my user.

I went onto my CAS/HT and opened up the message tracking and I don't see the
message at all in there.  I went to the same mail system as the person
sending the e-mail and I was able to send an e-mail to myself with a Word
attachment (which is the same format that the individual is trying to
send.)  The message I sent myself came through fine.  The size of the
attachment the person is trying to send is only about 1.5MB, so it's not a
file size issue.  The individual can send e-mail to my user just fine
without the attachment.  Also, my user has plenty of room in her mailbox.
She has a 2GB size limit and is only using about 67MB.

Can anyone suggest for me which logging I should be increasing so that I can
troubleshoot this further?
Also, along that line, is there an easy command in the Exchange Shell that
will show me which logging areas can be turned on?

Thanks for the help, and let me know if you have any questions or if I
wasn't clear on anything!


~ Ninja Email Security with Cloudmark Spam Engine Gets Image Spam ~
~             http://www.sunbeltsoftware.com/Ninja                ~

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