That's not necessarily true.  They could be using a antivirus product
like Symantec - that rejects a message after receiving it (a no-no as
far as also sending a notification back to the sender).

That would have nothing to do whether or not they use SPF.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Kennedy, Jim
> You certainly should publish an SPF, it can help and causes no harm as you
> point out. But I would respectfully suggest that someone sending that much
> backscatter is already so clueless that they probably don't check SPF
> either.
> Firewall them.
> From: Don Andrews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1:23 PM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: NDR's generated via spoofed from address
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: NDR's generated via spoofed from address
> Publishing an SPF record may help some depending on the domain(s) the NDR's
> are coming from.
> ________________________________
> From: Clayton Doige [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 5:38 AM
> To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
> Subject: NDR's generated via spoofed from address
> Hi all, have a user who is getting nailed with NDR's for email she is not
> sending. We have verified that there are no matching emails coming out of
> the E2k3 SP2 server which means that someone 'out there' is spoofing the
> from address and NDR's are going to that address.
> What's the best bet to combat this? Said user is getting bored of deleting
> the NDR's
> Thanks in advance for any advice J
> Clayton Doige
> Project Management Consultant
> Green IT Solutions Ltd
> 01277844943
> 07949255062
> ****************************************************************************
> Internet communications are not secure and Green IT Solutions Ltd does not
> accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. Any views or
> opinions presented within are solely those of the author and do not
> necessarily represent those of Green IT Solutions Ltd. Although Green
> IT Solutions Ltd operates anti-virus programmes, it does not accept
> responsibility for any damage whatsoever that is caused by viruses being
> passed. Telephone communications and replies to this email may be monitored
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