Hi All,
      Scenario is single(site), Exchange 2k3, sp2, 5 mailbox stores 
(alphabetical split),one public folder store, that is functioning all ok.

      Some users when instructed to go to : http://<exchserver>/public   get a 
404, page not found
      Then can go to : http://<exchserver>/exchange  and can go to their 
mailbox fine

      Checked the store(s) if those users 'default' public folder/store not set 
to this server <exchserver> but all are set correctly. Had a couple of these 
users log on to alternate pc's ( not using any roaming profiles ), same version 
of IE but get the same results.

       Tested with a vanilla user account with no exchange mailbox,
       and can get to http://<exchserver>/public  -- ok.

Any ideas welcome,
Peter W
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