
I have several users that are getting this error when sending using our 
exchange 2007 server in outlook, thunderbird Eudora, windows mail etc.  Ive 
done a lot of research on this and got the subject of this message from the 
receive logs on the server

"550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender"

I see that a lot of sites have postings that suggest that the users do not have 
the "ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender"  I also see that various 
postings have various different methods of granting the said permission so my 
questions are these....

1)      Does that make sense that adding that permission is what needs to be 
done?  I don't feel so comfortable about running permission altering things 
when I don't fully understand the repercussions.

2)      What is the proper way to grant this permission, I see one posting that 
has a syntax granting it to a particular user (-user 'domain\username') and 
another one that uses -user AU (which I have no idea what AU stands for, but 
implies that it grants it to everyone).

Has anyone run into this and have a suggestion?  Its worth noting that there 
are several accounts also that have no problem sending and seem to work fine.  
Also I am talking specifically about users using IMAP/SMTP and not MAPI.


Ehren J. Benson, MCSE
Windows Systems Administrator
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Michigan State University
1209 A Biomed Phys Sci


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