I'm not presenting that as an "official Microsoft position". I just know
I've heard it discussed.

Hey - don't take it out on me. Follow Kevin's advice. :-)


Michael B. Smith
MCSE/Exchange MVP

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 12:24 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Bad diagnostics (was: Strange pair of events twice daily)

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Michael B. Smith
> It sounds weird, but good error messages cause code bloat.

  Is that seriously the explanation Microsoft gives for having such
consistently lousy diagnostics?  I'm sorry, but I don't buy that.  For
one, Microsoft has never been one to worry about code bloat.  With all
the stuff they cram into their products, are you seriously suggesting
that they had to sacrifice the error messages to make room?  For
another, the messages are often quite verbose, just uninformative and
vague.  The pattern I frequently see is generic error messages with
dozens of words, explaining all the various things that *might* have
gone wrong, rather than identifying the operation which actually
failed.  It seems like things break deep inside, and by the time the
user interface reports it, all that's left is "Something went wrong".

  I also find the localization argument unmoving.  The result appears
to be messages that are not useful even to native English speakers.
What is more helpful, a useful diagnostic in a single language, or a
useless diagnostic in multiple languages?  It's like the old joke
about a stopped clock vs a clock that's ten minutes slow.  The stopped
clock shows the correct time more often than the slow clock (twice a
day vs never), so obviously the stopped clock must be better, right?

-- Ben

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