Sorry if this shows up twice..  I never saw the first one hit the list.


I am sure I am missing something simple here, but I have looked at
everything I can think of and have not found the solution.


Here is the setup:  At my house, I have commercial Internet service with
static IPs.  I have a Cisco 2811 with AIM VPN module, with a VPN to the
Cisco Concentrator at my office.  I have an AD setup with SBS2K3 on a
separate domain.  In order to be able to access my work network I have
added a forwarder for that domain in my SBS DNS.  Everything works


Except for one thing:  I cannot send email from my personal domain to my
work domain.  If I remove the forwarder, I can send email to that domain
fine.  I can telnet from my home to the work Exchange and drop an email
that way.  I can ping work Exchange machine.


I have tried adding a host record on my SBS to send the email to the
Internet rather than the VPN, but that does not seem to fix the issue.
I tried to add a static record on the SBS DNS to the work Exchange.  Did
not help.



The error is 

            Could not deliver the message in the time limit specified.
Please retry or contact your administrator. <#4.4.7>



Do I need to setup another connector and point it to a relay within the
work network?


Any Ideas?



Bob Fronk



~ Ninja Email Security with Cloudmark Spam Engine Gets Image Spam ~
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