This isn't "Exchange 101" per se, but you have your cluster set up wrong. I
know that that isn't much specific help - but it's the fact. Jumping right
in without knowing a lot more details would be ill-advised in my opinion.

There are some excellent white papers on clustering at


Michael B. Smith

-----Original Message-----
From: Palmer, Neal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 11:39 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Virtual Server mailbox finding query

Let me re-phrase... I *am* looking, but if anyone can help, much



-----Original Message-----
From: Palmer, Neal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 August 2008 15:41
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Virtual Server mailbox finding query

Hi all,

This may be Exchange 101 and it's been a while since I fiddle with our
setup so it may be quicker to ask here than trawl through a ton of
docu's just to find what I need... so...

We have 3 clustered E2K3 servers, two active, one passive, and it's
worked fine since I set it up. 

The issue we have is that to deliver mail, the node has to be specified
in the email address, i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

We want to remove the 'node1' or 'node2' and use

Sending an email to a user not existing on a node returns this error :-

        [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/08/2008 15:20
            A configuration error in the e-mail system caused the
message to bounce between two servers or to be forwarded between two
recipients.  Contact your administrator.
            < #5.3.5>

The two nodes don't seem to 'trust' eachother. I'm guessing this is the
first hurdle in removing the node from the address entirely. Basically I
need the active nodes to work out where the mailbox is, and deliver the

Can anyone point me in the right direction?




~ Ninja Email Security with Cloudmark Spam Engine Gets Image Spam ~
~                   ~

~ Ninja Email Security with Cloudmark Spam Engine Gets Image Spam ~
~                   ~

~ Ninja Email Security with Cloudmark Spam Engine Gets Image Spam ~
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