I use Messaging Ninja for spam filtering.  Ninja can only filter spam
that is sent to a mailbox.  Mail that is sent to a distribution list is
not filtered.  Spammers have discovered my distribution list address and
now are spamming my whole department.  Some of the people on the
distribution list have exchange mailboxes and some have external
addresses.  In order to filter mail sent to the distribution list
address I did the following.

1) Renamed the distribution list (and it's address) from All to AllD.
2) Created a mailbox with name and address All
3) Set the mailbox to forward all mail to AllD
Software\MessagingNinja\scanForwardedADContacts to 1

Ok, that works fine in that mail is distributed as it should be when it
is sent to "All" and I'm guessing it is being filtered.  (I haven't
tried sending any spam to it to test the spam filtering part of it.)
However, when the message arrives in an inbox the message says it was
sent to AllD which is the distribution list.  I want it to appear that
the message was sent to All not AllD.  Is there way to get the message
To line to show All instead of AllD?  Note: I'm not just talking about
the display name - I want the actual address to be All.  I don't want
people or spammers to know the address of the AllD distribution list.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


~ Ninja Email Security with Cloudmark Spam Engine Gets Image Spam ~
~             http://www.sunbeltsoftware.com/Ninja                ~

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