On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Brown, Larry <larry.br...@dplinc.com> wrote:
> The reality is we have users that have been stuffing PST's full of old
> email for over 10 years.  ...  And of course each and every one
> of them is going to say that they HAVE to have ALL of it saved somehow.

  That is your problem, right there.  Your legal department and the
rest of your company are not in agreement.

  Say it with me now: "There are seldom good technological solutions
to behavioral problems."  (Ed Crowley.)

  As others have said, legal needs to be the one to communicate this,
but I suspect your problem won't even begin to end there.   Legal
needs to be prepared to work *with* the rest of the company.  You say
they say you cannot retain *any* email.  If so, email archiving
solutions won't help you at all, because you cannot retain any email.

  You need to get legal to do a reality check.  If the reality
*really* is that you cannot save any email for any reason at all, then
make sure legal is aware that a lot of important data *will* be
discarded.  There's no way the rest of the company can go through 10+
years of email archives and sort it all, so bulk disposal is the only
option.  Have them sign off on the insane plan in writing.  Perhaps
have the company get a "second opinion" from a neutral third-party

-- Ben

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