What a load of crap people.....I have had more email on this subject than ooo's


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [mailto:mailvor...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 11:25 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Can someone remove me from this list?

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Jason Tierney <jtier...@cornetser.com> wrote:
> That's just it.  It's not just convenience.
> Either way, I'm an OOFer and don't plan on stopping.  There are way to
> many private and confidential things in my mailbox to just delegate access
> to an underling (no one else can do it).

  I think you misunderstand me.  Again, I'm not saying OOFs *in
general* are the problem.  It's OOFs *sent in response to a mailing
list posting*.  You can send them to all your other contacts all you
want.  I'm not asking you to forget OOFs in general.  Just stop
sending them to in response mailing list postings.

  My "convenience" remark was in regard to another poster's objection
to using a separate mailbox/address for list subscriptions.  If one
refuses to do that solely because they're too lazy to go into ADU&C
and make the change, that's inconveniencing others for the sake of
one's own convenience.  That I find rude.

> How about this.  Can Lyris be configured to drop any messages that
> contain Out of Office?

  The OOF auto-responses don't actually go to the list.  They get sent
directly to the person posting a message.  Here's what happens:

1. Alice sends a message to <exchangelist@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>
2. Lyris resends the message to all the subscribers.
3. Bob is a subscriber with OOF enabled.
4. Bob's mail system sends the OOF directly to Alice's address.

  The problem is, on some lists, there can be dozens or hundreds of "Bob's".

  The proper thing to do is for Bob's mail system to send the OOF to
the SMTP envelope from address.  (The SMTP envelope address is often
also added to the RFC-822 address as "Sender:" or "Return-path:".)
Lyris, like most mailing list software, sets the SMTP envelope address
to go back to Lyris.

  The SMTP envelope from address is not the same thing as the RFC-822
"From:" address.  Exchange/Outlook improperly send OOFs to the latter.
 If the OOF was sent to the SMTP envelope from address, the OOFs would
go back to Lyris, which could then discard them.

  The only way Lyris could influence Exchange/Outlook's broken
behavior would be to also set the RFC-822 "From:" address to be a
Lyris address.  That would mean all list mail would appear to come
from the same address, and make it impossible to reply off-list.

  (Hmmm, well, I suppose Lyris could generate a unique address for
each subscriber, and forward mail sent to that back to the actual
subscriber, but that's a hell of a lot of work just to kludge around
Microsoft's brain damage.)

> Perhaps Exchange can be updated to include an option to send OOF's only to 
>people in my Contacts folder?

  I'm told that capability already exists in Exchange/Outlook 2007.

-- Ben

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