Just curious if you ever resolved this.  Had something
similar...well...maybe, mine was the last E2k3 PF server in the admin
group.  Because the site folder server had changed I had to restart the SA
service on the new PF server.  Once that was done the remaining PF Instances
on the old PF server were instantly gone and I could delete the PF Store...


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Beahm, Keith <kbe...@stinson.com> wrote:

>  It seems I must have slept since my last E2K3 shutdown, because nothing
> is working the way I recall it should.
> I've got a physical Exchange 2003 Ent SP2 on W2K3 R23 Std SP2.  We are at
> the tail end of the E2K3 - E2K7 migration, and I have all the PF's
> replicated to an E2K7 server.  This is not the last E2K3 server, and not the
> only E2K3 PF replica.  I have already tried "Moving all Replica's"
> to another server, and waited for 24+hr, but the Global Events PF still
> shows under Instances.  No errors relating to that request in the event
> log.  When I try to delete the PF DB I get the warning that "...cant delete
> because contains at least one replica...".  If I try to directly "Remove
> Replica" then I get the error that a PF must have at least 1 replica.
> Any ideas?
>  Keith
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