Running Exchange 2K3 with Outlook 2K3 client.  Our laptop users are
typically set up to sync their offline folders when Outlook exits.  We
have one user that during this synchronization Outlook seems to take
forever during "decompressing offline address book files".  I did some
Googling and found where someone suggested going to Send/Recieve and
downloading the address first without details and then with details.
This seemed to work for one day and then it started happening again.
Another suggestion on the web was to simply turn off synchronization (or
at least turn off full details).  I see that as a band-aid without
actually fixing the problem.  Today I deleted the *.oab files, and
downloaded the OAB which recreated them.  Outlook is now closing down
just fine.  I'm waiting to see what happens tomorrow.  Has anyone else
seen this?  What was your solution?
If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd
be a shortage of fishing poles. - Doug Larson 


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