I'm not interested in pushing 60k+user GAL to 2500 Blackberries thus
turning any that succeed into static copies.



From: Harry Singh [mailto:hbo...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 12:41 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Blackberry GAL


Blackberry should really provide the admins the right to publish the
Exchange GAL. So when i'm composing a message and i start typing in a
persons name, the exchange GAL and my local contacts get auto-populated.
I really don't see the resource/bandwidth/technical overhead with
getting that done ( or I could just be resource/bandwidth/technically

Maybe it's just my overall inexperience with blackberry and their
respective shortcuts, but I'm really looking to type less, especially
when it comes to the mundane part of adding the e-mail address. If I, or
anyone, constantly e-mails a group of people --- is there a faster way
of adding a frequently used recipient ? 

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Don Andrews <don.andr...@safeway.com>

I believe you can choose to add the results of a lookup to your contacts
(we discourage this as it makes a static copy of a dynamic contact)


Don't know about your second question unless you'd like to prefix the
field that is the sort key with a number or something.


From: Harry Singh [mailto:hbo...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:46 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Blackberry GAL


All --

We recently made the move from Goodlink to BES. I have a few annoyances,
but one of the main and most annoying issues i'm hoping there is an
answer for is:

*       Is there a way to default to the Exchange GAL when typing in a
name during e-mail composition ? Right now, the list populates with your
personal contacts within outlook and I'll have to "lookup" in order to
find a name in the Exchange GAL..
*       Is there a way to add or auto-populate a blackberry device with
the "most frequently" e-mailed ? In other words, lets say you have 20
contacts with the last name "Singh" but frequently only e-mail 1 of
them, is there a way to trick the blackberry to populate that "Singh"
first ?



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