Inspecting the logs reveals that the message is delivered to the MBX server in 
its entirety - subject line fully intact.  But, when you try to retrieve it you 
get a truncated subject line.  It appears that Exchange stores the message with 
a 255 character limit imposed.

I have tried 2 different POP3 clients as well as IMAP and the results are 
always the same - 255 character limit.

Carl Rimmel

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:45 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Changing Subject Line Limits

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Micheal Espinola
Jr<> wrote:
> Readability of such long subject line is difficult if not impossible
> for many mail readers.

  Between BASE64 encoding overhead, UTF-8 encoding overhead, Unicode
codepoints > 255, and combining characters (character modifiers), a
single displayed glyph might well occupy several octets.  In the
pathological case, I think 255 octets could be only 23 displayed
glyphs[1].  The pathological case isn't going to happen in reality,
but it illustrates the point: You're assuming octets == glyphs, and
that's very wrong for the encoded subjects the OP is seeing.

  I would follow MBS's suggestion, use SMTP logging or a packet
sniffer to see if the problem is actually before Exchange or not.

  I would also try a different mail client, accessing Exchange with
IMAP.  This could be an issue in Outlook, or even a MAPI protocol

[1] Assume we're dealing with U+10000 and up.  That's 4 octets per
Unicode character in UTF-8.  Assume *every* character is modified.
That's 8 octets per displayed glyph.  Assume BASE64 overhead of 1.37.
That's approximately 10.96 octets per glyph.  255 / 10.96 = 23 and

-- Ben

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