Have you tried recreating the rule?




From: Steve Hart [mailto:sh...@wrightbg.com] 
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 12:26 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Odd Outlook Rule realted problem


Here's a weird one for you.  (Outlook 2003, Exchange 2007)

I have at least two users with the same Outlook rule. They are both members
of a group called "Data Processing". The rule says to move all emails sent
to Data Processing to the Data Processing folder. The rule has an exception
that all emails that contain "wrightimg" (our domain) in the from address
should not be moved. Therefor all emails to Data Processing from outside our
company should be moved. The rules have worked fine for a long time. 

Now, we have a new CSR that is sending to Data Processing. Her email is a
"wrightimg" address. Nonetheless, her messages are being moved, even though
they are on the exception list.

Potentially relevant things:

This the first new CSR sending to "Data Processing" since we switched from
"wbgppm.com" to "wrightimg.com". Both addresses are assigned to the Data
Processing group

This is the first new CSR since we moved to Exchange 2007 from Exchange
2000, last year.





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